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My attempt at Mumallaengi-Muchim, Crispy Lotus Root, Butternut Squash

Back in the days long ago before Covid, I used to leave the house to go to work and go out to lunch everyday.  Working with a Korean supplier, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Korean cuisine!  It first began with Korean Barbecue.  My family often eats Teppanyaki where the dinner is cooked in front of you on an iron plate but Korean Barbecue is a whole different beast.  A variety of meats and seafood are also barbecued table top but here you are enveloped with a feast of Banchan which is the name for side dish in Korean.  This has got to be my favorite way to eat! Every bite can be composed of a unique Banchan as there are so many to choose from.  Anyways, Mumallaengi-Muchim is one of my favorite Banchan.  It is composed of dried radish strips covered in a sweet and spicy sauce but the radish is salty and it seems sticky but its not sticky and ooooohhh its just plain and simple complete deliciousness.  So I decided that I would attempt to make my own.  I ventured off to the nearest Asian market to look for a bag of already dried radish strips.  I came to the store equipped with a picture of what I wanted because I was suspicious that I may not find an English speaking employee to help me find what I needed.  Upon arrival, I found an older gentleman to ask for help and I showed him the picture of what I needed.  Much to my surprise, rather than point me in the right direction, he instead proceeded to scold me for not making this myself.  He said that I should NOT be buying a bag of pre-dried radish and should be making this myself at home!  I was completely caught off guard, didn't know how to respond so I quickly thanked him for his help, tucked my tail between my legs and scurried off.  Now what? I don't know how to dry radish....I guess since I'm already here I'll buy some fresh radish and try this on my own?  Stock up on some Danmuji and seaweed?  
So turns out the man was is fairly easy to dry your own radish at home.  I thinly sliced the radish, salted the life out of it and hung it from a string that I miraculously found in my sewing kit from the Game of Thrones costume I made years ago.  I tied the string to a lamp post on either side of the gate.  We watched this for a couple days and I babysat the radish like it was my kid to ensure that one of my kids didn't throw a ball into it or knock it down and then BAM!.  It really turned into what I was looking for. It dried up, it was salty and I was beyond excited to be one step closer to satiating my desire for Mumallaengi-Muchim
I pulled the radish down from the line and brought it into the house.  I was not prepared for the aroma that it would emit.  Can I call it aroma? I'll stick with aroma to be kind but brace yourself.  I had to double zip lock bag it and then that didn't work, I had to come back the next day and stuff both bags into a glass jar and seal it tight!  I made this months ago and now was the time to unleash the dragon!  I cracked open the jar and yep, it definitely maintained its pungency!  LOL!! I immediately placed it into a bowl of water and let it soak for around 5 minutes.  I did this to let it get a little more tender.  I then washed it off to remove any excess salt.  Or, I've posted a link for the product directly and you can avoid the whole clothesline step! I can't zoom in enough to read the label so I can't tell if its Paleo or beware.
Along with my Mumallaengi-Muchim, I needed another Banchan.  I had seen Lotus Root while at the Asian market and it looked too interesting not to try.  I've never had it nor have I ever seen it served anywhere but I figured I could find something to do with it!  Lila and I threw a couple ideas around...make a puree out of it? Fry it?  I said "meh" to the puree since I've been using this method so often with all of the fall squashes.  "meh" to frying as well...I rarely fry anything.  Then she says "uh, why don't we air fry it?" BOOM you got it right there kid!  We sliced this beautiful thing up, tossed it in avocado oil with some salt and pepper, lied it out in the air fryer for 15 min on 390 degrees and YUM. Not only were they crispy, they tasted buttery!! Completely amazing, we need to incorporate this into our meals more often superness!  There's a link to get this product directly but I can read this label and I do NOT believe this is Paleo.

MUMALLAENGI-MUCHIM (Dried Radish Strips)
  • 6oz.  dried Radish strips
  • 3 Tbsp. Korean Chili pepper flakes
  • 2 tsp. toasted sesame seeds
  • 3 Tbsp. Maple syrup 
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 tsp. avocado oil
You can purchase the ingredients directly from Amazon via the links below:
1.  Soak radish in bowl of water for around 5 minutes and then rinse and squeeze out as much water as you can.
2.  Mix together chili pepper flakes, garlic, green onion and maple syrup in a bowl.
3.  Heat up the avocado oil in pan (I used my wok cuz I love that thing) and toss in radish.  Saute for a couple minutes.
4.  Remove radish from heat and add into bowl with sauce.  Add in sesame seeds and mix sauce evenly through radish.

  • 2 Lotus Roots, peeled and cut into slices
  • 2 Tbsp. avocado oil
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
You can purchase the ingredients directly from Amazon via the link below:
1.  Preheat airfryer to 390 degrees.  
2.  Add lotus root slices and oil, salt and pepper to a bowl and combine thoroughly
3.  Place layer of lotus root slices into air fryer basket.  Cook for about 10 min or desired level of brown.  I shake my air fryer basket every few minutes.  
4.  Once those are done, remove from air fryer
5.  Add next layer and repeat process until all slices are cooked

  • 1/2 Butternut Squash, peeled, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 Tbsp. avocado oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
1.  Preheat grill on high or air fryer to 390 degrees
2.  Combine all ingredients in a bowl.  Ensure seasoning and oil are spread evenly.
3.  Place squash on grill and allow grill marks to develop before flipping over.  Turn the heat down to medium.  Babysit them until they are browned to your liking.  This should only be a few minutes on each side.
4.  If using airfryer, place a layer of squash into basket.  Cook for about 10 min or desired level of brown.  I shake my air fryer basket every few minutes.  Once those are done, add next layer and continue until complete



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